
Happy New Year!

Sneak and Pick

Les ambassadeurs de la citoyenneté, Sawa4 Beirut, Sahel Forum, PHCC Al Kayan and Window to environnement organisent l’action « Sneak and Pick » 

Faisons que les  portes de la solidarité deviennent dures à fermer! Gardons-les grandes ouvertes en ces jours de fêtes et  lançons ensemble une collecte d’objets ménagers, vêtements, denrées non-périssables  et autres dons qui pourraient servir en ces moments difficiles. Unissons nos efforts pour mettre la joie dans les cœurs des petits et des grands.

جمعية سفراء المواطنة و سوا فور بيروت, مركز الكيان الطبي و نافذة على البيئة ينظمون حملة” نقي و استحلي”

فلنعمل معا على جعل أبواب التضامن عصية على الإغلاق, ولنبقها مشرعة على العطاء بإطلاق حملة جمع تبرعات عينبة و غيرها لإدخال السعادة إلی قلوب الصغار و الكبار.

Ambassadors of citizenship, Sawa4Beirut, Al Kayan, Sahel Forum and Window to environment organize the initiative “Sneak and peek”

Let’s make sure that doors of solidarity become impossible to close! Keep them open during those holidays to donate from what we already possess!  Let’s make the hearts of those in need smile again.

To Donate

Contact Numbers:

  1. 03 813648
  2. 03 736353
  3. 03 754575
  4. 03 555 196

Bank Account:

Ambassadeurs de la Citoyenneté ADLC
Banque Misr Liban S.A.L.
Beirut Lebanon
Swift Code: BMISLBBE
Account Number: 00402600000448
IBAN: USD: LB28 0003 0000 0000 4026 0000 0448

All for Beirut-A Borderless Exhibition

An art exhibition is now available online. Beautiful paintings are drawn by the most creative young artists in Lebanon. The exhibition is prepared by ADLC, Sawa Beirut and Window to Environment. All proceeds will be donated to ADLC which will allocate the funds to the citizens affected by the massive explosion that happened on the 04th of August 2020. Thank you for the contribution and your sense of empathy. Greatly appreciated! To visit the website please click on the below link:

Ambassadeurs de la Citoyenneté ADLC
Banque Misr Liban S.A.L.
Beirut Lebanon
Swift Code: BMISLBBE
Account Number: 00402600000448
IBAN: USD: LB28 0003 0000 0000 4026 0000 0448

You can purchase the art and donate the funds here. You can also donate without purchasing. Thank you.

ADLC and Sawa4Beirut aim to help small and medium size businesses in the areas most affected by the August 4 blast.

Below is the families and businesses that ADLC and Sawa4Beirut helped:

1-Sassine, hairdresser-rmeil
2-Jad, showroom_rmeil
3-Kamal, barber-Mar michael
4-Jean, candle maker-qareintina
5-Fouad, taxi car
6-Mohamed, Sandwich street vendor – port
7-Charbel, upholster-mar Mikhael
8-Gaby, mini market -mar mikhael
9-Lena, fashion boutique – rmeil
10-Claudette, tailor – gemmayzeh
11-Bernard, Mini market-gemmayzeh
12-Paul, carpenter-qareintina
13-Kalil, laundry/ tabaris
14-Mano, mechanic-qareintina

Aide au loyer (mois de Septembre et d’Octobre)
Nous avons pu Aider deux familles: Ata et Kabbabe tous habitants d’Ashrafieh,

Students of Today, Citizens of Tomorrow
Decision-makers of the Future

Window to Environment, created in 1997 is associated to ADLC.

ADLC is created under the title of “Ambassadors of Citizenship”, an association governed by the act of august 9th, 1909, by Decree no 3 of 18/12/2016.